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Hệ thống kéo dãn

Ghế kéo dãn đốt sống cổ YXZ-II、IV、VIII、IX

Ghế kéo dãn đốt sống cổ YXZ-II、IV、VIII、IX



Product introduction

The cervical vertebra retraction adopts software control and functional key input progame.The retraction metering system chooses the imported linear motor and the advanced electronic tension sensor to increase the stability and reliability of the equipment.It has the functions such as automatic tesing,automatic compensation,automatic timing,automatic alarm etc.It has the continuous;intermittent;manual controlled retraction.It has ourable effect to th cervical and lumbar vertebra diseases,protrusion of the lumbar inter-vertebral disc,shoulder joint periproclitis,brain oxygen supply shortage etc.

Technical parameter

Power supply:220V/50HZ
Retraction force:1-30kg
Total retraction period:1-60min
Intermittent retraction time:0-9min
Intermittent time:0-90s
Cervical vertebra retraction course:0-300mm