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Máy điện xung trị liệu Therapic 8000

Máy điện xung trị liệu Therapic 8000



Therapic 8000

Range of equipment for electrotherapy and electro-diagnosis 2 & 4 outputs, delivering medium frequency currents.

The “8000” series represents a step ahead in the field of electro-stimulation and electro-diagnosis. The application of advanced technology makes it possible to use machines which can be constantly updated and integrate functions which will be available in the years to come.

Such technology derives from the modern Personal Computer systems using a smart card or by simply consulting our web site on-line and updating the machine s functions, programmes and anything else our Research and Development Department has come up with and made available.

THERAPIC 8000 range is composed of 2 machines which differ in the number of outputs available: 4 outputs on model THERAPIC 8400, 2 outputs on model THERAPIC 8200. Outputs are totally independent and can supply different work protocols.

Each output module contains a micro-controller which guarantees maximum safety at all times and in real time carries out checks on power and tension output signaling any discrepancy between the set values and the actual output. The system checks the status and wear and tear on cables and electrodes on output and signals the need for any replacements.

Therapic 8000 machines run on low frequency current, visualises the Intensity/Time curve, the Reobase and the Cronassia on a 6 inch LCD graphic TFT display screen. A convenient encoder allows for quick selection of the current and/or protocol to be emitted and accesses a library of 100 programmes, as well as enabling the operator to create and memorise up to 400 different simple or sequential work cycles.

Accessories supplied:

    Therapic 8200: 2 independent outputs
  • Power cable: 1
  • User’s manual: 1
  • Fuses: 2 x 315 mA-T
  • Electrodes 60x80 mm: 4
  • Electrode sponges 60x80 mm: 4
  • Electrodes 50x50 mm: 4
  • Electrode sponges 50x50 mm: 4
  • Elastic band 1000 mm: 2
  • Elastic band 600 mm: 2
   Therapic 8400: 4 independent outputs
  • Power cable: 1
  • User’s manual: 1
  • Fuses: 2 x 315 mA-T
  • Electrodes 60x80 mm: 8
  • Electrode sponges 60x80 mm: 8
  • Electrodes 50x50 mm: 8
  • Electrode sponges 50x50 mm: 8
  • Elastic band 1000 mm:4
  • Elastic band 600 mm: 4
Technical specifications 7200/8200/9200 7400/8400/9400 1500 2000
Power supply 230 Vca, 50-60 Hz
± 10%
230 Vca, 50-60 Hz
± 10%
230 Vca, 50-60 Hz
± 10%
230 Vca, 50-60 Hz
± 10%
Maximum mains power absorption 30 VA 35 VA 30 VA 30 VA
Double delay type (T) mains fuse protection 315mA-T 315mA-T 1.6A-T 1.6A-T
Backlit LCD display to view and check the operating parameters Graphic
320x240 DPI
320x240 DPI
240x64 DPI
240x64 DPI
Programmable treatment time 1-99 minutes 1-99 minutes 1-99 minutes 1-99 minutes
Operation Constant voltage Constant current Constant voltage Constant current Constant current Constant current
Creation of the Rheobase and Chronaxie Intensity/Time curve    
Interferential currents Up 8.000 HZ Up 8.000 HZ Up 4.000 HZ Up 4.000 HZ
Interferential currents Limitated to 50 mA Limitated to 50 mA Limitated to 30 mA Limitated to 30 mA
Diadynamic currents Limitated to 70 mA Limitated to 70 mA Limitated to 50 mA Limitated to 50 mA
Peak currents with other waveforms 120 mA 120 mA 100 mA 100 mA
Peak power 100 V 100 V 100 V 100 V
Output channels independent 2 4 2 2
Alarm “incorrect output load”
Automatic and/or manual polarity inversion    
Sthoursd protocols 100 100 20 20
Storable protocols in the internal memory 200 200 10 10
Storable I/T curve diagnoses 100 100    
Protocols in sequence that can be sthoursd 10 10    
Storable protocols in Smart Card 80 (50 programs)
(20 I/T curve diagnoses) (10 protocols in sequence)
80 (50 programs)
(20 I/T curve diagnoses) (10 protocols in sequence)
Ultrasound Connection
Vacuumed Connection
External connection of Voice Unit    
Software updates    
Weight 4,4 Kg 5,2 Kg 4,3 Kg 4,3 Kg
Size 39x14x30 cm 39x14x30 cm 39x14x30 cm 39x14x30 cm