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Máy gây mê kèm thở Saturn Evo Color

Máy gây mê kèm thở  Saturn Evo Color



Saturn Evo Color

Medec offers a complete range of anaesthesia units. All units are well known for their user-friendliness, complete configuration and optimum patient safety, as all safety features are standard, including anti-volutrauma and anti-barotrauma systems.

Within the Saturn Evo family there are three models: The Saturn Evo Standard with a high resolution monochrome screen, the Saturn Evo Color which is equipped with a large color touch screen and extra ventilation modes and finally  the Saturn Evo Color Advanced, equally equipped as the Saturn Evo Color but with a 15” TFT color touch screen mounted on a side arm.

Integrated gas monitoring

Built-in multigas monitoring is optionally  available in the Saturn Evo Color,  monitoring Anaesthetic Agents, Nitrous Oxide, Carbon dioxide and paramagnetic O2 measurement.

The large color touch screen can show you simultaneously  the ventilation parameters and measurements, inspiratory and expiratory gas concentrations and  CO2-curve with MAC value.  Electronic flowmeters are also available.