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Máy chạy thận nhân tạo Multifiltrate

Máy chạy thận nhân tạo Multifiltrate



 The multiFiltrate is optimally designed to carry out highly efficient therapies in the nephrological and intensive care environment.

Simplistic and easy operation is besides one of the most fundamental requirements for a modern multifunctional therapy system for acute application in renal replacement and plasma therapy.

This claim is met by the newly developed multi
Filtrate, featuring

    • an ergonomically, intuitive operating concept
    • which incorporates a wide range of additional renal replacement therapies.
Other progressive and extensive technical features include:
    • a high-resolution LCD colour screen in combination with a central multifunctional dial
    • four roller pumps
    • four robust, high-precision scales
    • two individual bag heating systems
Furthermore the easy operation of the multiFiltrate is made possible by:
    • a new multiFiltrate-cassette
    • multiFiltrate user guidance