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Ống nghe kỹ thuật số I-Scope 2000 Hãng SX:Dongjin Medical (Hàn Quốc)

 Model Name I-scope 200
 Power Supply DC3V(AAAx2ea.)
47mm (Width) x 89mm (Length) x 30mm (Height) ± 5%
 Weight 79gr ± 5gr
 Battery Life 100Hr ± 10%
When the mode lamp is blinking
When the stethoscope was invented 200 years ago, it rocked the hearts of doctors. It is an encounter between doctors and patients, the beginning of medical service activity and also the ending of it.
However, there are so many kinds of sounds that you cannot hear with a rubber tube. Noises coming from the rubber tube, remote sounds of heartbeat, an inaccurate source of sound ? The i-scope 200 digital stethoscope is the revolution of clear sounds.
With the digital stethoscope i-scope 200, you can enjoy the refreshing feeling you had when you wore a pair of glasses for the first time, and even the rhythm of nature. Apart from crystal-clear sounds, you may also listen to sounds coming from each part of your inner organs.
The i-scope 200 is exclusively designed and developed for the purpose of medical diagnosis. Using a selective filter for certain frequencies, you may amplify and listen to sounds from your heart, lungs and stomach and it allows you to make an accurate diagnosis.
In addition, with its earphone made of a soft, new material, you will no longer feel any pain in your ear.
After the 200-year long history of the stethoscope, the next 20-years will be the history of i-scope 200 digital stethoscope.

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Liên hệ: A.Cường Mobile:0983 009508

Tệp đính kèm: 96772-DJ-Flyer.jpg

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