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Kính hiển vi OPMI PENTERO

Kính hiển vi OPMI PENTERO



General Information
VendorCarl Zeiss Surgical, Inc.
ItemOPMI� Pentero�
  • Integration of the entire digital video chain,
  • Integration of the surgical microscope into the hospital s information and communication infrastructure
  • The first surgical microscope to offer integrated support for intra-operative angiography is an example of these efforts.
  • AutoBalance system or the AutoDrape� vacuum system for fast and easy draping
  • Increased depth of field and more light for the surgeon and assistant provide additional improvements to the work environment.
  • The new high-speed autofocus delivers razor-sharp images � regardless of the magnification
  • ApprovalUS FDA, CE
    Product NumberOPMI Pentero
    OpticsApochromatic optics deliver brilliant images, a new Varioskop objective lens provides large working areas and comfortable working conditions � even with long instruments.
    FocusThe new high-speed autofocus delivers razor-sharp images � regardless of the magnification.
    Working DistanceInquire
    Stand type (Overhead/Floor)Inquire
    Product Description
    OPMI Pentero uniquely combines solutions for basic requirements with a variety of additional benefits: intra-operative diagnostics, integration of the entire digital video chain, integration of the surgical microscope into the hospital s information and communication infrastructure and user-friendly solutions for OR staff. OPMI Pentero is the first surgical microscope to address modern demands on digital video technology: recording, editing, adding comments and archiving application videos require no additional equipment. Following the procedure, surgeons can take the data with them on a DVD or a USB memory stick. In the future, it will be possible to simply upload to the hospital DICOM server.