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Máy kích từ kết hợp siêu âm BTL-5000 SHOCKWAVE & LASER

Máy kích từ kết hợp siêu âm BTL-5000

BTL- Cộng hòa Séc



shockwave therapy,SWT & laser,BTL-5000 SHOCKWAVE & LASER

shockwave combined with laser therapy

main features

  • High pressure up to 5 bars
  • High frequency up to 22 Hz
  • Burst mode for extra-sensitive patients
  • 8.4 colour touch screen
  • Colour therapeutic encyclopaedia with anatomical images
  • User-defined diagnoses
  • 2 outputs for simultaneous connection of two red/infrared laser probes or clusters
  • Wide range of red and infrared laser probes and laser clusters
  • Continuous and pulsed laser therapy
  • Frequency modulation 0-10.000 Hz
  • Duty cycle 10-90% (adjustable in small increments)
  • Automatic calculation of therapy parameters (dose, area, distance and power)
  • Modular system – possibility of later upgrade with electrotherapy, ultrasound or magnetotherapy
  • Supplied with the most comfortable applicator on the market - spring-loaded shockwave applicator with special ergonomic grip