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Phụ kiện máy chạy thận nhân tạo

Máy rửa quả lọc thận,Renatron PA 100,Medivators.Mỹ

Máy rửa quả lọc thận,Renatron PA 100,Medivators.Mỹ

 Renatron II


  • Automated Reprocessing Cycle
  • Venous Line Clamp – Secure venous outlet line
  • Color coding – Provides visual cues to dialyzer orientation
  • Header Integrity Test (optional) – Diagnostic test to verify that the header is on securely with O-ring in place
  • Failed Volume Test – Limits the number of volume retests to two
  • Culture Sample Cycle – Separate cycle for ease of taking water samples
  • Dedicated Clean/Rinse Cycle – Aggressive Formula 409® cycle for heavily deposited lines and machines