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Máy hút dịch

Máy hút dịch MC-600D

Máy hút dịch MC-600D



It is applicable to absorbing phlegm or liquids due to disease, obfuscation or surgical operation .It can be used in emergency room, operating room, ambulance, first-aid center, sickroom serving as a guardian and family nursing.
 Product Details
High vacuum, high flow, oil free vacuum pump
The vacuum could be show in figures by LCD screen
Double charging configuration——the machine or charge could be charging the battery separateness either;
Charging quickly, the electricity of the battery could reach 80% in three hours rechargeable
The battery can be replaced without any tools fleetly
Battery have self-inspection functions, automatically hint at low power consumption
Hanging configuration for ambulance
Max free air flow rate: 20L/min
Max.Vacuum: 0.8MPa/600mmHg
Power consumption: ≤120VA
Display usage:  LCD screen
Power source: AV220v±10%, DC12V car power, rechargeable battery
Noise: ≤55db(A)
Collection bottle: 1L(disposable bag, collection jar optional)
Weight: 4.9kg
Dimensions: 360x180x300mm



               anti-bacterial filter                                            PC jar