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Máy ART RF -Blue Fairy

Máy ART RF -Blue Fairy




Blue Fairy

Products Introduced
Blue Fairy is specialized for anti-aging in a fashionable way with an effective solution for skin lifting without limitation of skin types or colors.
Based on customers demands and expectations, Blue Fairy adopts advanced ART RF technology with Continuous Cooling System and special Continuous Pulse Modem, which have been designed to offer unprecedented safe, effective, and comfortable process of face lifting and body tightening.
1 Face lifting and contouring
Forehead and area around eyes and mouth, cheeks, jowls, chin
2 Body tightening
Shoulder, abdomen, waist, back and buttocks
3 Eyes care
Canthus lifting, crow s feet removal
Before and After treatment
1 ART technology automatically tests skin resistance. No energy output if tip does not touch skin well.
2 Special and Continuous Cooling System effectively protects epidermis from being hurt while deeper collagen is heated.
3 Couples of conductive pads design allows current to distribute through limbs.
4 Painless treatment-carefully selected RF energy frequency can greatly reduce the stimulation to nerve fiber.
Quick and Effective
5 Continuous Pulse Mode utilize speedy and incessant RF energy effecting on whole dermis, and reaching immediate result and quick treatment.
6 Two tips of different sizes are respectively suitable for eyes, face and body treatments.




7 Easy operation-on need to set energy parameter, built-in five energy level.



Technical Specifications