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Máy X-quang

Máy X-quang di động kỹ thuật số DR,VISITOR T30 C-DR,Villa Sistemi Medicali S.p.A, Ý

Máy X-quang di động kỹ thuật số DR,VISITOR T30 C-DR,Villa Sistemi Medicali S.p.A, Ý
Visitor T30 C-DR

Visitor T30 C-DR uses the same radiological and mechanical platform of Visitor T30 C as a starting point, delivering the advantages of the digital technology as a result. The unit combines the peculiarities of flat panel detectors to the highly regarded experience of Villa Sistemi Medicali on X-ray mobile units. Thanks to the enlarged 35x43 cm flat panel dimension, also big patients or wide anatomic districts can easily be accommodated on the detector. The flat panel is safely protected by an enclosure, providing the capability to be placed behind the region of the body to be exposed, similarly to a conventional film. The micro-processor controlled 32kW, 125kV high frequency generator and the rotating anode dual focus tube make the unit suitable to satisfy a wide range of needs in the routine examinations at patient bed and in the critical conditions of intensive care and recovery rooms. The connection between the detector and the unit can be wireless or with cable.
Image are displayed in a few seconds on the integrated 19" touch screen monitor with absolutely no need to handle cassettes. The radiological parameters and the examination procedures are selected directly from the touch screen generator interface. The risk of mistakes associating patient data and images is dramatically reduced thanks to the integrated patient database management and to the worklist download DICOM function. Transfer of images to the DICOM hospital modalities for archiving, printing or CD burning is easy and immediate thorough DICOM dedicated functions. The optional integrated dosimeter makes the dose value immediately displayed on the image and available for sending to the PACS as DICOM tag.

Visitor T30 C-DR