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Nd: YAG laser

Hệ thống KL Nd: YAG Laser Therapy Instrument

Hệ thống KL Nd: YAG Laser Therapy Instrument




µ Use the heating effect of the Nd: YAG laser to carry on cutting, carbonization and coagulation of the pathological tissue.

µ Use the deep penetrates characteristic of Nd: YAG laser to carry on organization hematischesis, especially suit for therapy the hemorrhagic disease.

µ As the Nd:YAG laser of 1.06μm wavelength can easily transfer through the optical fiber, therefore it’s suitable for the otolaryngology therapy.


Main technical parameter

T  Laser unit: Nd: YAG laser crystal (Nd: YAG), Krypton light pump

T  Wavelength: 1064nm

T  Terminal output power: 1-60W1W stepped

T  Laser output mode: continuous or at regular intervals

T  Laser beam transfer: transfer through optical fiber of φ0.4mm and φ0.6mm with international standard interface. It can freely use optical fiber of different diameters.

T  Cooling mode: cooled by the water-air cooling system

T  Power supply: 220V/50HZ, 20A (capacity)

T  Dimension: 640×470×985mm3

T  Weight: 75kg



Secretory otitis media, pseudocyst of auricle, papillary epithelioma of acoustic duct, simple rhinitischronic hypertrophic rhinitis, hypertrophic inferior turbinate, cicatricle accretion of nasal cavity, rhinorrhagia , nasal polypus, angioma of nasal cavity, choana atresia, resection of tonsil, lymph follicle in the posterior wall of pharynx, keratosis of larynx, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, rhinopharyngocele, tumor of pharynx, uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, cyst of epiglottis, polyp of vocal cord, vocal noduleVocal Fold Cyst, papillary epithelioma of larynx, hemangioma of larynx ,  laryngeal stenosis, palsy of double vocal cord.