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Máy điều trị oxy

Máy chăm sóc da bằng oxy,M207,BEIJING HONKON,TQ

Máy chăm sóc da bằng oxy,M207,BEIJING HONKON,TQ




Cost effective.

Replacement for skin care by hand.

The first choice for acne clearance .

Improve cosmetic absorbing through the combination of lotion with water .

HONKON patent handpiece .

Water and Oxygen Jet is an effective acne treatment system, which mixes water, medical oxygen and nutrition liquid sufficiently, sprays out at the speed of 230m/s and act on the skin.

 Handpiece Type: O-II handiece

Air Source: Air Compressor & Oxygen Tank

Power Supply: AC 220V 50Hz;AC 110V 60Hz

Insurance Standard: Max6A

Spray Speed: ≦230m/s

Mixture particles Diameter: ≦80μm

Net Weight:56kg

Gross Weight:74kg

Dimensions (after package):78x59x140cm3