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Máy điện tim 12 cần YM812i Hãng SX:Mediana (Hàn Quốc)



- 12 Lead interpretative ECG
- Multi-languages [Reserve]
- Built-in high resolution 8 inch thermal printer
- Rechargeable battery
- ECG management system [PC Interface: RS232, LAN]
- Full alphanumeric capability keyboard [Option: PS2 Keyboard]
- Firmware upgrade using USB memory stick - Graphic LCD(320X240dots)

High Quality, Easy-to-use and Convenience

· One-button operation for acquisition, analysis, storage and printing.
· LCD preview of ECG signal appear a false lead and signal noise.
· Full alphanumeric keyboard for operation convenience
· Real-time continuous recording capability of 3, 6, 12 channels
· Using the SD-Card, YM812i can store up to 5000 ECGs. ECGs can be edit, printing   and transmission.
Advanced Interpretation and Analysis

YM812i has the clinically proven interpretation program of diagnostic information with regard to rhythm, electrical axis, QRS morphology changes, conduction defects, hypertrophy characteristics, ST-T change, myocardial infarction, etc.