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Máy đo đa chỉ tiêu YM1000 Hãng SX:Mediana (Hàn Quốc)


  The YM1000 is...

Spot check & Continuous Monitoring
NIBP, SpO, Temperature and built-in printer

- Adult to Neonate
- Colin NIBP

- Welch Allyn Temperature (SureTemp Plus)
- Built in Printer

Night Panel

You can adjust the light intensification of the display.
You can achieve power saving effect and patient sleep well with dim light in the night.
Nurse Call State

Nurses can realize any alarm event.
This mode saves the trouble that you have to tend beside the patient.
Sound Mode

You can achieve the specific sound via Sound Mode.
You can select sound as 3 cases; full, mid and mute.
It can help the patient rest and reduce the noise in the ward.

You can review the stored patient data by viewing it on the monitor or by printing it.
You don t need to worry if you didn t write down the patient state before.
It can store 200 data and 24-hour old data will be automatically deleted.
Battery optional 6hrs battery

With this battery, you can transit the patient and use in the ambulance without power source.
Monitor contains 2hrs battery basically, and 6hrs battery is optional.