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Dây cắt polyp Isnare,BX00711085,US endoscop,Mỹ

Dây cắt polyp Isnare,BX00711085,US endoscop,Mỹ


ISnare System - Oval Snare

The iSnare® system is ideal for endoscopic mucosal resection and saline assisted polypectomy. This multi-functional device features an alternating injection needle and polypectomy snare which eliminates the need for intraprocedural device exchange.

Other benefits of this unique system include:

  • Enables immediate injections in response to bleb absorption/dissipation or bleeding
  • Helps maintain scope positioning throughout the procedure
  • Minimizes wasted procedural time - inject or snare at any time throughout the procedure without device exchange
  • Spring loaded, luer lock handle ensures consistent needle projection and retraction
  • Available in 23 or 25 gauge needle

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