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Máy điều trị rối loạn cương dương,RENOVA,INITIA LTD, Israel

Máy điều trị rối loạn cương dương,RENOVA,INITIA LTD, Israel



New Erectile Dysfunction Treatment 

A new non-invasive therapy takes advantage of
low-intensity shockwaves to induce local controlled angiogenesis and
significantly improve penile hemodynamics. This technology is becoming a new
modality in the treatme

LSWT (Linear Shockwave Therapy) utilizes a series of pulsed acoustic energy in the ultrasonic range. The focused energy, when applied to tissue, provides improvement of penile hemodynamics by increased ability to push blood to the penis and keep it there. For the subject of angiogenesis.

Shockwaves, as special acoustics waves, can be targeted and focused so as to provide localized, precise and non-invasive therapy. Renova is the only device on the market generating low intensity shockwaves which is specifically designed for ED treatment. Unlike other shockwaves systems, Renova focuses the waves onto a linear segment conformal to the treated organ. For more unique Renova features click here.

Procedure & Patient Safety
Treatment is applied in a physician’s office or private clinic. A Treatment is delivered in several short sessions and is simple, non-invasive and pain-free. 
To date, no negative side effects related to Renova treatment are reported.

nt of patients with ED