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Bàn mổ

Bàn mổ đa năng thủy lực HJ-168

Bàn mổ đa năng thủy lực HJ-168

D&E - Đài Loan 


Universal Hydraulic Operating Table.
(HJ-168) For general use in General surgery,
Neurosurgery, Orthopedic, Gynecology,
Emergency and Urology.
Table top consist of five sections (Head,
Back, Seat & 2pcs separate Leg section).
Table top elevation is controlled by a
hydraulic system.
Table top can be rotated to 360∘.
With Built-in kidney elevator.
Tilt and Trendelenburg are controlled by
the head section.
Convenient and easy to operate.
Head rest can be equip with an acrylic sheet
for X-Ray radiograph purposes.
Shoulder support pads, Waist Support
pads, and Leg Support pads are made
from PU material.
Table base, Elevator Pillar, Side Rails,
Accessories and Clamps are made of high
quality Stainless Steel #304.
There are two straight directional casters
and two multi-directional casters located under-
neath the table base for easy to control of
positioning and versatile mobility and rotation.
of the operating table.
Table top dimension: