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Số lượt truy cập 1560011   lần

66   khách hàng đang online

Mấy siêu âm điều trị

Máy siêu âm điều trị US-750

Máy siêu âm điều trị ,US-750

Ito - Nhật bản




Touch panel

Alphabetic keyboard for entering treatment objectives or patient names

One hundred (100) free program memories. The stored programs can be sorted in alphabetical order, and a desired program can be selected simply by touching the patient name or treatment objective.

Very low BNR, 2.4-3.6 according to IEC

Selectable coupling sensitivity for regular or medicated gel

Pleasant key-touch sound: Melodies in a “do-re-mi" scale can be selected.

Choice of three different treatment-end melodies

Enables combo therapy in conjunction with the ES-320 or the ES-521 electrotherapy unit
