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Máy X-quang nha khoa

Máy Xquang nha khoa DX 70 -Mocom

Máy Xquang nha khoa DX 70 -Mocom


DX 70 Intra oral X-Ray Unit (Mocom)

Grid Controlled System

Exposure times from 0.02 to 3.2 seconds. Digital display of exposure time with correction of the exposure times according to the film speed. The DX-70 is equipped with anatomic programs and automatic setting of the exposure parameters: tooth choice ( bite-wing, uppermolars, pre-molars, incisors/ canine) Three patient sizes, automatic time reduction for digital sensor. Also possibility of manual setting of the parameters.



Safety systems

Safety systems and automaticcompensation of the mains voltage fluctuations.

X-Ray push button has an extensible cable and active safety agianst unwanted exposures.


The radiographic DX-70 has an original and elegant design, Same as other high quality X Ray units. 


70kvP 8mA

focal spot 0.8MM Grind controled
