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Máy hút thai

Máy hút thai,YB-LX-3,Smaf,TQ

Máy hút thai,YB-LX-3,Smaf,TQ


 The model is specially designed for the artificial abortion of early pregnancy in hospital and clinic. Moreover, wide variety of applications is also recommended in other fields.


1.     New type of abortion aspirator with superior quality and reliable function.

2.     Application of up-to-date technology to warrant it durable and reliable.

3.     Low noise running and time cut-off keeping no disturbing noise during operation.

4.     Suction pressure adjustable from 0~0.09MPa(0~680mmHg)through the foot switch.

5.     Double vacuum gauges equipped for supervising suction pressure in reservoir bottle.

6.     Modern cabinet design with a molded instrument tray on top and a storage compartment for supplies and accessories.


1.     Pump:oil-less vacuum piston pump

2.     Max Vacuum:≥0.09MPa(680mmHg)  

3.     Flow rate:≥30L/min(terminal: ≥15L/min)

4.     Storage bottles:500ml×2

5.     Reserve bottles:2500ml×2

6.     Power supply:AC220V  50Hz

7.     Input:150VA

8. Dimension:540mm×490mm×860mm

1.     G.W./N.W.:32.5/29kg