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Máy đo độ CO trong máu Masimo Rad-5

Masimo Rad-5 SET Pulse Oximeter

A fully-featured hand-held pulse oximeter with the accuracy and reliability of Masimo SET, perfect for both continuous monitoring and spot-check applications.

  • > Masimo SET® technology is scientifically and clinically proven to provide accurate pulse oximetry measurements during motion and low perfusion
  • > Lightweight, convenient handheld device with a long battery life—over 30 hours on 4 AA batteries
  • > User configurable power up default settings
  • > Sleep Mode allows clinicians to disable audio tones and LEDs
  • > Up to 72 hours of trending memory
  • > Perfusion Index (PI) indicates arterial pulse signal strength and may be used as a diagnostic tool during low perfusion
  • > Signal I.Q.® (SIQ) bar for signal identification and quality indication during motion and low signal to noise situations
  • > FastSat® tracks rapid changes in arterial O2 with unmatched fidelity
  • > SmartTone beeps in sync with pulse, even under patient motion conditions
  • > Sensitivity options: APOD, Normal and MAX
  • > Audible and visual alarms for High/Low Saturation, Pulse Rate, Sensor Off and Low Battery
  • > Optional protective boot cover with built in table-top stand

A: Signal I.Q.® (SIQ) bar is used for signal identification and quality indication during motion and low signal to noise situations. The LED rises and falls with the pulse, its height indicating signal quality. When Signal I.Q. is very low, and the SpO2 and pulse rate values may be suspect, the LED turns red.

B: FastSat® tracks rapid changes in arterial O2 with unmatched fidelity.

C: The Alarm Status Indicator flashes when an alarm condition is present.

D: Perfusion Index (PI) indicates arterial pulse signal strength. The LED bar is highest and green when the quality of the perfused site is best; when PI is poor the LED bar is low and turns red.

Protective boots are available in your choice of seven different colors.

Tệp đính kèm: 40814-LAB3388N_Sell Sheet, Rad-5.pdf