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Máy chuẩn đoán,điều trị ,rối loạn,chức năng ,tình dục,nam,SW-3605,SANWE,TQ

Máy chuẩn đoán,điều trị ,rối loạn,chức năng ,tình dục,nam,SW-3605,SANWE,TQ

 SW-3605 Workstation of Andrology---Hesin Star


Detailed Product Description


This hospital equipment can treat male dysfunction brilliantly with the most worldly advanced diagnostic & therapeutic technolog

Hospital equipment

Apparatus Introduction:

It is a new type of non-invasive and a traumatic high-tech medical equipment with the combination of modern digital technology and science principle of channels and collaterals of traditional Chinese medical science. It s very easy and convenient to operate, applying extra corporeal therapy to user which is science and reliable high-tech as well as non-dependent. It combines sexual psychological evaluation, electro-physiological nerve examination, Doppler ultrasonic blood examination and NPT records functions. At the same time, it has many physiological therapeutic techniques, such as negative pressure attraction, electro frequency stimulation, pneumatic massage, water massage, strong current stimulation and medicated fluid


Application Scope:

1. Exclusively used for diagnoses and treatment of male sexual dysfunction. Such as: Impotence, defective ejaculation, minor-penis, delayed puberty of male teenagers, sexual function degeneration of the middle and old male.

2. For chronic prostate disease: activate blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis and subdue the inflammation.

3. Health care for sound care: cleaning, nutrition, strength of genital organ and increasing sexual capacity.


Therapeutic Function:

1. Low Frequency Electric Pulse Stimulation

According to traditional Chinese Medicine Meridian Theory, the instrument can stimulate sex-related and prostate-related acupoints of people, adjust function of brain cortex, active spinal central system, speed up the penis nerve conduction velocity, strengthen the contraction capacity of glands, and effect the treatment of ejaculation obstacles, erectile dysfunction, prostate disease and the improvement of the secondary development of sexual organs.

2. Vacuum Negative Pressure Suction

The vacuum attraction acts upon penis that can promote arterial vasodilatation of penis and the circulation, improve and balance the level of testosterone secretion, activate erectile nerves, increase blood volume of penis cavernosum and  albugineas thickness, improve the fibrous tissue of penis root, so that enlarges penis, make erection lasting and strong. At the same time, under the effect of vacuum attraction, it can activate blood stasis, force prostate gland duct to open passively, suck glandular inflammatory secretions and metabolites out, so as to alleviate stress of prostate body, make blood circulation smooth and glandular recover to be normal.

3. Pneumatic Massage

Through the alternating effect of vacuum attraction, the blood repeat slosh in the penile arteries and cavernosa that make permeability of capillary enhance and cell tolerance increase. The resting cells are activated; the penis injury or occlusive vessels will be repaired and smooth.

4. Strong Current Stimulation

Under the effect of vacuum attraction, the strong currents impact and rub the glans penis repeatedly in order to reduce the excitability of nerve endings so as to passivate the nerve of glans penis, sulcus coronarius, and the surface of the penis, and regulate the sex nerve center in order to minimize nerve sensitivity, improve ejaculatory threshold to treat premature ejaculation.

5. Water Massage and Medical Bath Therapy

Fluid auto-infusion system can help patients accept water massage and medical bath therapy. With negative pressure, water or liquid medicine can massage penis repeatedly, so the instrument can strengthen the activity of penile skin cells and accelerate the decomposition of drug ion and absorption of cells to drug-ion. Drug soaks penis, which make cavernous body adequately nourished and accelerate sexual function rehabilitation.

6. Deep Conduction of Drug -ion

With the principle of levator ani exercise, the special probe can go deep into the prostate. Through the stretching vibration of the probe, drug-ion is directed into mucosa deeply and reaches the prostate. At the same time, the instrument massages soft prostate tissue, to promote their venous blood reflux, alleviate congestive prostate and subside inflammation.




Diagnostic Function:


1. Electric-physiological nerve examination

The instrument stimulates on the dorsal penile nerve and measures the conduction velocity and amplitude of reflex arc by using myoelectricity / evoked potential in order to know nerve conduction function, and thus to achieve the position oriented diagnosis of the nervous system disease.

2. Doppler Ultrasonic Blood Examination

Transmits ultrasonic wave to human vessel through ultrasonic probe, and the average speed of blood flow can be measured by probe receiving echo signal. PFI also can be worked out by computer automatically, detecting whether sexual dysfunction is caused by vascular lesion. It also can be used for the detection of systolic and diastolic pressure.

3. Sexual Psychological Evaluation and Diagnosis

Use conventional international questionnaire to know the patients real performance when making love and evaluate the degree and pathogeny of sexual dysfunction, which can give reference for doctors to make effective treatment.

4. NPT Records

While the patient is sleeping, the HOLTER box will record the times, persistent period, rigidity, length, circumference and the change of blood volume of penis when it erects. The corresponding images of diagnostic result can be created automatically by connecting with computer, to help doctors fix on the erectile disfunction style of the patient, which is the most effective method to distinguish psychological erectile disfunction and organic erectile disfunction.