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Panh vén não,Budde® Halo ,Integra,Mỹ

Panh vén não,Budde® Halo ,Integra,Mỹ

  Budde® Halo Retractor System

Attaches to MAYFIELD® Skull Clamps or to the side rails of the OR table to provide a sturdy platform for retraction and a ready support or hand rest for the surgeon.

  • Double-Hinged ContinuTracTM halo ring provides 360-degrees of uninterrupted retractor arm placement for ultimate flexibility
  • Low profile design allows for ease of instrument passage within the surgical field

Part Number: A-1040, A-1040A

Failure to read and follow instructions furnished in this product insert may result in serious injury. Before using this product, carefully read the product insert for correct usage and warnings associated with any other desired equipment to be used with this product prior to its use.

Always be sure the two sets of sunburst teeth on the halo s hinge mesh properly. Failure to do so may result in damage to the device. Forcing the metal Retractor Arms to move against their present tension will cause the cable in the Retractor Arm to wear and possibly break. The ball joints will also become scored and the arm will tend to drift. After a period of time, drifting may occur even though the "T" handle is made tight. This is usually due to the drawbar threads becoming worn, necessitating replacement of the part. Components should be returned for repair if wear is noted.