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Máy đo thị trường kế

Máy đo thị trường kế tự động,CENTERFIELD 2,Oculus,Đức

Máy đo thị trường kế tự động,CENTERFIELD 2,Oculus,Đức



Centerfield 2

 Centerfield 2

Self-contained: dark

The self-contained measurement system makes examination largely independent of room illumination. Perimetry therefore no longer needs to be carried out in an absolutely dak room.

The future is assured!

The hardware concept permits easy upgrading in future as well. The intuitive user interface also permits the creation of individual programs and reduces operator training time significantly.

Test of the whole visusal field (up to 70°)

Examination up to 70° are possible with fixation shift.


The Centerfield 2 will be connected to a USB port.

Ergonomical design

The ergonomic, compact design and the uncomplicated test procedures improve patient compliance and contribute to best possible total results.

Photo "Ergonomical design"

Chinrest (optional)

Integrated chinrest, which will be moved electronically by keyboard operations.

Compact and portable Perimeter

The Centerfield 2 is the only compact Perimeter, which examinates up to 70°.

Made in Germany

Since 50 years OCULUS is well known on the perimetery market. In the moment OCULUS is the only manifacturer of Perimeters “Made in Germany“.