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Trụ khí treo trần phòng mổ

Tay khí treo trần phòng mổ có mô tơ nâng hạ , YDT-SJ,TaiyangLong,TQ

Tay khí treo trần phòng mổ có mô tơ nâng hạ , YDT-SJ,TaiyangLong,TQ


  Name: Single arm retractable ceiling-mounted pendant
Model: YDT-SJ
Single arm retractable ceiling-mounted pendant (YDT-SJ) is an essential part of modern laminar flow operating room. This unit not only have high load capacity to carry related equipments but also provide space for numerous service outlets, e.g. medical gas,electrical power and communication ports. Furthermore, configured with pneumatic braking and motor driver, so that can be rotated and lifted vertically without drifting. This pendant create a safer and more flexible environment for patients and staff.Point the right direction wherever you want.