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Máy điện não theo dõi liên tục Olympic CFM 6000

Máy điện não theo dõi liên tục Olympic CFM 6000



  Better Treatment Through Early Monitoring


Baby-w-CFM-6000The Olympic CFMTM  6000 can be used in the NICU and other acute care departments to continuously monitor an infant s brain activity. It enables clinical staff to assess the neurological status of the brain as an aid to treatment options. Simple to use and apply, the CFM 6000 produces an amplitude-integrated display (aEEG) - an easy-to-read record of brain activity and abnormalities.


The Olympic CFM 6000 - with CFMsightTM:

  • Monitors general neurological status
  • Monitors and records frequency and intensity of seizures to assist in the management of anticonvulsive therapy 
  • Assists in identifying need for full EEG
  • Assists in identifying and predicting outcome from hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)

The Olympic CFM 6000, with CFMsight, provides more resolution and aids in highlighting where the majority of brain activity is occurring. This grey-scale rendering of the display provides more information for clinicians to make clear choices. It also helps the user rule out artifact from real signal.

The Olympic CFM 6000 is designed for long-term monitoring, whether for hours or days. Placed at the radiant warmer, incubator, or bed, the CFM 6000 provides a continuous real-time display of cerebral electrical activity to assist the clinician in making immediate treatment decisions and in identifying patients in need of closer attention.

Clinician-w-displayThe Olympic CFM 6000 allows a clinician to quickly review the history of the patient s brain activity - by on-screen scrolling, review of printed record or data archived to a CD - making it ideal for evaluating conditions that require long-term trending analysis. In addition, it provides a way of monitoring the brain between assessments with a multi-lead EEG, assuring that important transient events are included in the patient s complete history.

The Olympic CFM 6000 is a useful tool in deciding when to initiate life-preserving interventions. And it can aid in evaluating the progress of patients recovering from cardiac arrest, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or other procedures that can adversely affect the brain.

Monitors general neurological status
Studies have shown that when the Olympic CFM 6000 is used in combination with a standard neurological and clinical examination, it enhances the clinician s ability to identify the presence of seizures or to predict outcome of infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)— thereby limiting the number of infants falsely identified.

It is ideally suited to early postnatal assessment, when cerebral imaging with an MRI or when monitoring with a multi-lead EEG may not be immediately available. Brain monitoring with the Olympic CFM 6000 can start within minutes of birth and can be used on term or pre-term infants, and on infants that are being ventilated or recovering from surgery.

Aids in identifying HIE and predicting its long-term outcome
Numerous studies have shown that the Olympic CFM 6000 improves the physician s ability to classify levels of HIE when used in combination with traditional neurological assessment tools and aids in identifying those patients best suited for neuroprotective strategies.

In patients identified with HIE, the Olympic CFM 6000 is well recognized for its ability to predict long-term neuro-developmental outcome as early as three hours after birth with a high degree of specificity and sensitivity.

CFM-inset-web Determines need for further neurological examination or transport
The Olympic CFM 6000 identifies infants that require further neurological assessment by an MRI or multi-lead EEG, and may help prioritize infants for transport.

The CFM has proven itself, both in clinical and research use, as a valuable complement to traditional neurological assessment.

Along with the continuous monitoring of vital signs and oxygen saturation, the Olympic CFM 6000 provides critical information - revealing important transient events as well as long-term changes in the patient s overall brain activity.

CFM Network Archiver

  • Allows transfer of sessions for your CFM s hard-disk to a Windows-based network
  • Facilitates transfer of sessions recorded by multiple CFM units to a network share via an Ethernet connection
  • Enhances file transfer by making it faster and easier

Olympic CFM 6000 - shown on optional cart

  • Mobile cart enables quick access at the patient s bedside
  • Easily adjust tilt, swivel & height
  • Store supplies for ready access