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Máy gây mê kèm thở Paieon

J&tec - Korea


By consisting 90% or more of the parts with domestic products of which the new ideology and new technologies are used, it is much cheap and can receive prompt after service. The product has basic artificial respirator for anesthesia, and since the carbonate suction device with new method is attached, it can maximize the usage efficiency of the soda lime, enables fluent anesthesia during long operations with minimum amount of soda lime.

The vaporizer produced in 100% domestic technology is elaborate and safe enough so that countries such as Japan, Europe and other countries wants using this technology, and from appliance of a new technology, the density of the anesthesia gas maintains certain level during long operations. Also, it is manufactured so that it is not being influenced from surrounding temperature at all.

Basic Isoflurane and Enflurane vaporator is attached, and Sevoflurane can be attached and used according to the patients, and the customer is able to buy more cheap machine should the customer selects just one vaporizer.
The tray of the anesthesia machine is designed so that the patient surveillance device can be laid, so that additional monitor cart is not needed, and the 3 drawers and a table of which is convenient to fill out charts raises convenience of the user.
Also, by adopting "Stand by" functions on the artificial respirator, the user is able to observe the Peak rate of the patient from the respirator while during manual anesthesia, and the APL Valve gets cut off during anesthesia from artificial respirator, leading to greater convenience of the user. The inside of the anesthesia machine is assembled in one block, so that gas leakage and other malfunctions can be much reduced.
Basic consist 2-gas (02/N2O) Single Flowmeter
Additional settings 3-gas (O2/N20/Air) Single Flowmeter
3-gas (O2/N20/Air) Dual Flowmeter

◎ EL Back light is basically attached to the flowmeter and each gas is displayed in color code according to international standard. (O2 :Green N2O: Blue Air: Yellow) Also, by attaching Antihypoxia system that maintains 25% or more of the oxygen in all circumstances, it takes the safety of the patient in top priority.
Basic consist Pipeline gas suppling system
Additional settings Yoke gas suppling system

◎ What is a Yoke system?
By attaching gas cylinder on the anesthesia machine, it is a system designed so that it can be used during movements and can be used as a spare part even if the main gas suppling is cut off. (Gas cylinders are not included)
Scavenging system The user can select as normal exhaustion(Passive) or manual exhaustion(Active) according to the environment.
Oxygen flush valve 25-75LPM
Safety cut-off valve A device to automatically cut off Nitrogen-oxide should the oxygen drops below certain leve

Basic consist 2-Vaporizer, Fixed state (Cage Mounting type)
Additional settings 2-Vaporizer, Attachable (Selectatec, Inter-Lock)

◎ In case of attachable (Selectatec, Inter-Lock), it includes safety device that locks the one side of the vaporizer should the other side is operating. Also, the user can select one type of vaporizer according to the environment of the hospital should it be fixed state or attachable, of which the reduction of cost is possible.

Types of the anesthesia machine that can be consisted and range of density 0-6 Vol% (Halothane, Enflurane, Isoflurane)
0-7 Vol% (Sevoflurane)
Color and standard of the vaporizer
(Color - coding)
Halothane - Red , Enflurane - Orange,
Isoflurane -Violet , Sevoflurane - Yellow
Substance of remaining anesthesia substance indicator (Indicator) Glass
Capacity 1.5kg
Pressure relief valve  
APL valve Auto closing system when switched into artificial respirator
(Auto closing system)
Patient gauge -20+- 100cmH20

◎ By using new ideology of gas moving method, maximizes usage efficiency of the soda lime, enabling long operation with minimum amount of soda lime.
  • Basic consist
    1) Time cycled and volume controlled pneumatic microprocessor ventilator
    2) Ventilation rate : 5 - 80 bpm
    3) I : E ratio : 1:1 - 1:3
    4) Tidal volume : Maximum 1500ml
    5) High pressure limits : 5-80cmH20
    6) Low pressure limits : 0-78cmH20
    7) Automatic and manual alarm setting for high and low pressure alarm- limit
    8) Mute : 60 sec. alarm silence
    9) “Standby” Function

    * Digital display
    1) Breathing rate
    2) I:E ratio
    3) Low pressure alarm limit
    4) High pressure alarm limit
    5) Peak pressure

    * Digital indicator
    1) Apnea
    2) High and low pressure alarm
    3) Low battery
    4) Charging

    * Safety
    1) Relief at high pressure limit setting value +5 digit
    2) Ultimate relief at 80cmH2O

    * Audible and visual alarms
    1) Apnea
    2) High and low pressure alarm
    3) Low battery

  • Selectable setting
    Tidal Volume / Minute Volume Display