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Bộ sử lý hình ảnh dùng trong phẫu thuật nội soi OTV-SI

Bộ sử lý hình ảnh dùng trong phẫu thuật nội soi OTV-SI

Olympus- Nhật



Olympus has recently introduced the OTV-SI video system, a compact integrated camera control unit and light source for ENT, available as a package with either the Olympus ENF-V2 or ENF-VT video rhino-laryngoscope.  These packages are ideal for departments where space is limited, yet allow users to benefit from the advantages of video technology, such as bright, moiré-free images, at an affordable price.

This video system features:

  • Integrated camera control unit and light source, ideal where space is limited
  • Image rotation function


  • Compatibly with an OTV-S7H  camera head and fiberoptic      rhino-laryngoscope for additional operational flexibility


  • Available as an affordable package with either the Olympus ENF-V2 and ENF-VT video rhino-laryngoscope

In conjunction with the Olympus ENT videoscopes, the OTV-SI video system features:

  • Bright moiré-free images
  • Accurate colour reproduction
  • Remote buttons to programme imaging and documentation with ease