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Ống soi khí phế quản di dộng LF-TP

Ống soi khí phế quản di dộng LF-TP



Tracheal Intubation Fibrescope

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Integrated miniature light source for
Compatible with single lumen
    endotracheal tubes with an internal
    diameter of 6.0mm or greater
2.6 mm channel provides for increased
    suction capability
Olympus optical technology produces
    bright, high-quality images for
Extended battery life provides power for
    longer period of time
Waterproof for thorough reprocessing
Compatible with conventional light
    sources and video systems for
  A large suction channel is at the centre of the LF-TP, increasing the capability to suction even highly vicious sputa. The large 2.6mm diameter channel incorporated into an insertion tube with an outer diameter of only 5.2mm makes this scope compatible with most single-lumen tracheal tubes used for adults. The scope also has a sleek and lightweight design so this highly-portable instrument can be utilized either in emergency situation, at the bedside, in an operating room, or in an ICU. An advanced optical system combines with the scope s integrated miniature light source to provide clear and vivid images.