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Bàn phẫu thuật AM-500

Bàn phẫu thuật AM-500

Acomed/ohmed- Đài loan 

  Manual Operating Table


n  For multi-purpose operation.

n  Main structure building with strengthened steel &special coating.

n  Y-shape base is good for doctor approach the patient during the operation.

n  Elevation pillar (patent) with adjustment is stable for a long time

n  4-section table top : single-plate leg section is raised & movable.

n  Head section & leg section are changeable for full body C-ARM visible normal or inverse mode.

n  Table top is made with bakelite & the surface with special processed for anti-rust , waterproof ,

        high temperature & acid-proof. (X-RAY & C-ARM visible)

n  Delicate braking system with adjustment for brake-foot.

n  Centralized pillar stable & easy operation.

Tệp đính kèm: 66168-manual24.jpg