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KÍnh hiển vi huỳnh quang BX-51-F Tritech Research,-Mỹ

KÍnh hiển vi huỳnh quang BX-51-F  Tritech Research,-MỹImage for Upright Compound Epi-fluorescence Microscope coming soon!

Now you can get a top-quality research-grade compound upright fluorescence stereo photo microscope for a fraction of what you may have thought — with GFP/Fluorescein(FITC), Rhodamine(TRITC), and DAPI/Hoechst filter cubes included!

Finally there is an great alternative to the traditional route of dealing with your local "traveling salesperson" from Nikon, Olympus, Zeiss or Leica.  These companies generally make very good products, but not only do you pay a premium for their microscopes, you also pay for the salesperson, the saleperson s family, the saleperson s car, the saleperson s bonus, etc.  And, you ll pay for every single item, a la carte, at top dollar... even pay extra for the power cord! And, after they make it all add up to $20k-$30k, they ll make you feel better with a 5-10% discount.

Wouldn t it be better to pay half the price, without a discount? When you order our microscope, you pay for the equipment, not the international marketing program and sales force.  We configure the microscope with exactly the options you need, set it up, test every function with real samples, and then ship it to you.  Within minutes of opening the box, you re ready to use the scope!  And we re here nearly 24/7 to answer any questions you may have... for free... forever.  Try getting a quick response like that after placing an order w/ a local "rep"!

Here is what you get:
Upright Compound Stereomicroscope w/ Infinity-Corrected Optics with....
  • Trinocular head w/ eyepieces inclined 30°, interpupillary distance adjustable, ISO Camera Port  ( 0/100 Split )
  • Widefield high eyepoint 10X / 22mm eyepieces, each with diopter adjustment and removable eye cups
  • 5-position nosepiece to hold 5 objective lenses
  • Infinity-corrected Plan Achromat objectives 4X, 10X, 40X, 100X (your choice of Plan-Phase or Plan-Fluor for each!)
  • Coaxial coarse and fine focus adjustment
  • Ergonomic mechanical stage with coaxial control stick
  • Focusable Achromatic condenser N.A. 0.90 with iris diaphragm for Koehler illumination
  • 6V/30W  quartz halogen illuminator with external lamp house
  • 100-240V Universal Power Supply
  • 1X C-mount camera adapter

  • Complete Epi-Fluorescence system: 
  • 100W Mercury Epi-Fluorescence attachment with filter cassette for 4 filter cubes
  • HBO 100W Mercury Arc Lamp, Lamphouse, Condenser
  • 100-240V Universal Power Supply w/ bulb-life time counter

  • And your 3 choices of the following filter cube sets:

  • DAPI / Hoechst Set:  Exciter 350/50
    Dichroic 400   Emitter 460/50
  • FITC/RSGFP/Fluo3/DiO/Acradine Orange+RNA Set: Exciter 480/30  Dichroic 505  Emitter 535/40
  • FITC/EGFP (Long Pass) Set:  Exciter 470/40
    Dichroic 495  Emitter 515++
  • TRITC / Rhodamine) /DiI / Cy3 Set:  Exciter 540/25
    Dichroic 565  Emitter 605/55
  • Texas Red / Cy3.5 Set:  Exciter 560/40
    Dichroic 595  Emitter 630/60
  • Cy5/Alexa Fluor 633/Alexa Fluor 647 Set:  Exciter 620/60
    Dichroic 660  Emitter 700/75