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Nồi hấp tiệt trùng tự động Hirayama 50 lít-HVP-50

Nồi hấp tiệt trùng tự động Hirayama 50 lít-HVP-50


 Description: Hirayama Autoclave Sterilizer with Heat Vacuum Dry Cycle

HVP-50 Top-Loading Autoclave With Fully Automatic Drying. The HVP-50 autoclave, with a 50-L chamber, is a self-contained, portable floor model mounted on caster wheels. It occupies minimum floor space, operates at 120V, and can fit conveniently into many locations in the laboratory.

Its many uses include the sterilization and drying of glassware and pipette tips, and the sterilization of wastes and liquids such as agar and media. The HVP-50 model can accommodate a 10-L fermenter, a 15-L carboy, a 19” x 24” biohazard bag, six 1-L flasks, twenty-one 500-mL bottles, or one hundred eighty 20-mm test tubes.

Space-saving design with lid opening upward. Fully automatic drying cycle for solid loads uses heat and vacuum for faster and more efficient drying. Lid safety interlock prevents lid opening when a cycle is in progress, the chamber is pressurized, or when the temperature exceeds 97°C.

Vacuum pump removes air from the chamber, when sterilizing solids such as glassware and pipette tips, thereby eliminating cold spots, and ensuring faster and more efficient sterilziation. One-touch lever to easily open and close chamber lid. Liquid cycle for media and agar. Process display shows the program progress selected and status of the sterilization cycle.

Cycle for wastes and glassware without drying. Door-closure sensor prevents a cycle from starting unless the door is closed properly. HVP-50 size: 50 liters, 11.8" diameter, 28.0" height.