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Nồi hấp tiệt trùng Hirayama -50 lít-HV-50-220V

Nồi hấp tiệt trùng Hirayama -50 lít-HV-50-220V

Description: Hirayama Autoclave Sterilizer - Top Load Vertical Lab (220V)

Portable, Top-loading Autoclaves With Advanced Safety and User-Friendly Features. Space-saving design with lid opening upward. Programmable auto-start for initiating a cycle up to 1 week later.

Dual-sensing lid interlock prevents lid opening when chamber is pressurized or when temperature exceeds 97°C. Automatic air purging by a microprocessor prevents over-pressurization during a cycle. One-touch lever to easily open and close chamber lid. Programmable rate of steam exhaust.

Door-closure sensor provides a prompt and the cycle will not start unless the door is closed properly. In-process display shows status and progress of sterilization cycle. Agar sterilization mode for sterilizing agar and then automatically maintaining it at liquid temperature. Floating sensor to monitor load temperature.

Sterilization timer is activated only when load temperature reaches set temperature. Agar melting mode for rapidly melting agar and maintaining it at liquid temperature, or for a hot and faster start-up. Memory backup system retains user-programmed parameters even in case of power failure. HV-50 size: 50 liters, 11.8" diameter, 28.0" height


Lồng hấp to : $724.2

Description: Hirayama Sterilizer - Basket for 50-L SS, 10.7"D x 11.8"H



Lồng hấp bé :$ 494.2

Description: Hirayama - Basket for 50-L SS, 10.7"D, 8.7"H