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Số lượt truy cập 1600703   lần

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Elma tec clean A1


  Elma tec clean A1


Elma tec clean A1

Cleaner for Electronics & Precision Optics

Suitable for the fine cleaning of glass and ceramic substrates in optics and electronics: glasses, optical assemblies (incl. framing). For the precision cleaning of electromechanical ensembles and PCB’s, also for cleaning for inspectional purposes of PCB’s. Further on valid with good results for the cleaning and rebrightening of faded casings made from plastic materials and of faded lamella curtains. The cleaner removes residues of light polishing suspensions, grease/oil, residues of activated fluxes (of RA-type), dust, fingerprints. Further on it removes residues from tea, cola, milk.

Product Details

Main contamination: Light oils & greases,
Main surfaces: Substrates in the electronics (pcb) and optics industries (glasses, fine optics), electro-mechanical components. For the overhaul cleaning of plastics.
Properties: Liquid, emulsifying, silicate and phosphatefree, mildly alkaline.
pH value: 10,8

3 – 10 %


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