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127   khách hàng đang online

Máy đo thính lực

Máy đo thính lực,Madsen Astera,GN Resound A/S,Denmark

Máy đo thính lực,Madsen Astera,GN Resound A/S,Denmark



  • 2 channel audiometerclinical-madsen-astera
  • PC Based
  • Audiometric Control Panel (ACP)
  • High Frequency Testing (up to 20 kHz)
  • Integrated speech material
  • Built-in amplifier
  • User tests
  • Multiple speaker routing (4 speakers)
  • Talk forward/Multiple speaker talk forward/On the fly mic/Talk to assistant
  • ABR/ASSR to dB HL conversion
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Enhanced speech audiometry

  • Live voice wordingenhanced-speech-audiometry-madsen-astera2
  • Customizable word list
  • Score until next word is played


  • FRESH noisepediatrics-50-spot
  • Channel specific Threshold Storing
  • Counselling overlays
  • Talk to assistant
  • Multiple speaker talk forward
    On the fly mic
  • Selectable frequency range/transducer

Specific Test

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  • Multiple Frequency testing (1 Hz)tinnitus-madsen-astera-clinical-audiometer-1
  • High dB resolution
  • 1, 2 & 5 dB
  • Timer
  • Pitch Matching
  • Loudness Matching
  • Minimum Masking Level
  • Residual Inhibition

Tệp đính kèm: 74756-7-26-9050-EN_02_STD.pdf