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Máy chụp đáy mắt,Retinal Camera APS-AER,Kangchuaruiming,TQ

Máy chụp đáy mắt,Retinal Camera APS-AER,Kangchuaruiming,TQ

 Retinal Camera APS-AER


Product name : Retinal Camera APS-AER
Item :
Details :
Retinal Camera APS-AER
The first unit Non-mydriatic Fundus Camera in China
The first unit Fundus Camera with Dicom 3.0 Interface in China, which can connect hospital’s HIS System,   PACS System so that to achieve medical examination networked.
Built-in digital acquisition system with 12 Mega pixels 
Innovative two dots focus assist system, easier to get the best quality image;
Internal fixation improves eye correct position greatly;
The professional and functional Software V1.0.1 can manage the clinical cases effectively.
It can adjust and  process images’ brightness, contrast, and color, etc.
It can paste and match the fundus images which can up  to 0 °
It can also measure the length and area of any shape focus.
Main Technical Specification
Field Scope
up to 53 °
The minimum checking pupil size
Observing Light Source
Infrared light
Internal Fixation and External Fixation
Color digital acquisition system
≧12 Mega pixels
Subsidiary function
Two Light Dots Help Focusing