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Số lượt truy cập 1558190   lần

455   khách hàng đang online

Ghế răng

Ghế răng,cx-8900,Foshan Chuangxin,TQ

Ghế răng,cx-8900,Foshan Chuangxin,TQ




Imported(4-holes) high-speed air turbine handpiece              2 sets

Imported(4-holes) low-speed air turbine handpiece               1 set

Three-way syring (cold and hot)                                 1 set each

Water supply control system for cup filler and bowl rinse       1 set each

Strong suction and weak suction                                 1 set each

Super inductive operation light                                 1 set

X-film viewer (DC/low voltage)                                  1 set

Handpieces water purified and air purified system               1 set each

Dentist stool                                                   1 piece

One back position with negative angle compensation function