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Ghế lấy máu

Ghế lấy máu,AG-XD107,Aegean,TQ

Ghế lấy máu,AG-XD107,Aegean,TQ


 Model: AG-XD107


Two motors control seat tilting,up and down respectively, another motor lets back and leg section move as a unite.Head board and arm board are manual adjusted.Special leg section extension by electrical. The chair can applies to various postures


Chair Dimension: 1700mm(Curve Length)*560mm

Height: 570mm(min.)---830mm(max)

Head section turn: -15°~ 25°

Back section lift: -5 ~ 70°

Leg section turn: -65 ~ 5°

Foot support telescopic: 100mm

Foot support turn: 0-90°

Fixed angle of seat section: 5°

Arm Board swing out: 0 ~ 45°

Arm board height adjustment: 100mm

Arm board slide: 100mm

Arm board declining angle adjustment: -15°~ 10 °

Arm board dimension: 450*160mm

Trend and reverse trend: 0 ~ 12°

Arm board Concave Radian: R108

Optional Accessory:



blood chair accessorry