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Đầu soi,tai mũi họng,AMD - 2015,AMD,Mỹ

Đầu soi,tai mũi họng,AMD - 2015,AMD,Mỹ



AMD-2015 ENT/Otoscope

A must for comprehensive ear, nose and throat (ENT) examinations, the AMD-2015 ENT/Otoscope combines the functionality of a high performance otoscope, a short sinus scope and an oral exam scope in a single diagnostic device to meet your ENT needs. Pneumatic Otoscopy for easy assessment of outer-ear canal, ear drum, and middle ear. Permits excellent imagery for lower sinus and upper throat examinations. Exceptionally clear, wide field of view. Connects to the AMD-400s, AMD-500 Standard Definition and the AMD-500 High Definition Camera & Illumination Systems. One of our most popular diagnostic devices, the ENT/otoscope is acclaimed for its use in otoscopy to cover the full range of ear, nose and throat examinations.

  • Optics: Rod lens
  • Illumination: POC Illumination lamp
  • Field of View: Wide angle 80 degrees
  • Dimensions: 2.7mm diameter, 80mm in length
  • Specula: Adult uses 4mm specula. Pediatric uses 2.5mm specula.