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Tấm dán sau phẫu thuật dạng lưới, OPSITE Post-Op Visible 25x10cm ( vô trùng),66800139,Smith& Nephew- Mỹ

Tấm dán sau phẫu thuật dạng lưới, OPSITE Post-Op Visible 25x10cm ( vô trùng),66800139,Smith& Nephew- Mỹ

 OPSITE Post-Op Visible



OPSITE Post-Op Visible is a waterproof, bacteria proof dressing with a see-through absorbent pad


Great visibility and absorbency1

Lattice foam structure
Allows you to monitor progress of the wound as often as you like without unnecessary dressing changes for your patients. This reduces disturbance to the wound bed, minimises the risk of infection and helps to provide a cost effective solution2

High Moisture Vapour Transmission Rate (MVTR)1
The film has a unique molecular structure which gives a high MVTR. This allows unwanted moisture to transpire away from wound site keeping it dry.

Bacterial barrier1,3
Provides a barrier against bacteria, including MRSA, to reduce the risk of infection

Waterproof film1
Patient can shower with dressing in situ

Highly absorbent lattice pad1
Allows lateral spread across the lattice pad to maximize absorbency without impairing visibility, reducing the risk of skin maceration and minimising the number of dressing changes for cost effective care


To dress acute wounds such as:

  • Post-Operative Wounds
  • Lacerations
  • Cuts
  • Abrasions
  • Minor Burns
where Levels of Exudate are Low/Moderate

Use only on dry skin prepared in accordance with normal procedures. Do not stack dressings, or allow the dressings to overlap. Periodically monitor the dressing and wound site to confirm that the dressing is securely attached, especially after showering, or if the dressing becomes wet. If the dressing comes off, apply a new dressing. As with all adhesive products, apply and remove carefully from sensitive or fragile skin.

The dressing should not be used under compressive dressings or garments as blistering or transient bruising may appear on the skin under the foam lattice pad.

Pressure applied to the dressing as a result of direct body weight may result in transient bruising or indentation markings on the skin in the pattern of the lattice foam pad. 

On removing the dressing slight patterning from the lattice foam pad may be visible on the skin. This is normal and should fade within a few hours. 

1 Tompkins, L. Laboratory Report - DS/07/115/R1: OPSITE Post-Op Visible Dressing Physical Properties, July 2010 (in-vitro)
2 O’Brien G et al. A multi-centre, prospective, clinical in-market evaluation to assess the performance of Opsite Post-Op Visible dressings. Int Wound J 2010 7(5):329-37.
3 Report reference 0505004: Bacterial barrier properties of OPSITE Post-Op Film against Methicillin-Resistant Staphyloccus Aureus (MRSA), dated May 2005. (in-vitro)
Catalogue #Description Size Carton/Qty 
66800136 OPSITE Post-Op Visible 10cm x 8cm 20 
66800137 OPSITE Post-Op Visible 15cm x 10cm 20 
66800138 OPSITE Post-Op Visible 20cm x 10cm 20 
66800139 OPSITE Post-op Visible 25cm x 10cm 20 
66800140 OPSITE Post-op Visible 30cm x 10cm 20 
66800141 OPSITE Post-op Visible 35cm x 10cm 20