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Máy tán sỏi ngoài cơ thể

Máy tán sỏi,ngoài cơ thể ASADAL-M1,Comed,Korea

Máy tán sỏi,ngoài cơ thể ASADAL-M1,Comed,Korea





 – ASADAL M1 , is extracorporeal shock wave crusher at the first product in Korea,
 is invented by Electromagnetic system has been based on R & D experience for 10 years
 – ASADAL M1 is high efficiency more than electrode system
 – ASADAL M1 is not only has high lithotomy rate but also reduces the patience s pain
 as lectromagnetic system



Generation the High-quailty image with Digital 1k camera

Basically Equipped 9" Image Intensifier

Variety Image with Image Processing Program

High-resolution X-ray Image

Minimized noise with high-performance

No charge to add expendables

Minimized the patient s pain using low energy level operation

Generating stable shock waves

Stabilizing positioning treatment as ergonomic design

Communication between patience and operator with MIC and Headphone

Operating without anesthesia

Safe and multi versatile urological Table

Easy to educate and install

Compatible DICOME 3.0