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Thiết bị,phục hồi,chức năng,diều trị,rối loạn,tình dục,nam,SW-3501,SANWE,TQ

Thiết bị,phục hồi,chức năng,diều trị,rối loạn,tình dục,nam,SW-3501,SANWE,TQ

 SW-3501 Male Sexual Dysfunction Rehabilitative and Therapeutic Apparatus (portable)

 Apparatus feature:

  1. Sexual psychological analysis, evaluate the degrees of dysfunction and etiology, for the development of effective treatment programs to provide reference.
  2. Low frequency electric pulse stimulation and vacuum negative pressure suction can be operated simultaneously or separately
  3. Touch screen control, humanized design, interactive operation, simple operation and reasonable
  4. Color liquid crystal display screen to increase the audio and video playback adjuvant therapy
  5. The embedded Linux system, fast speed, automatic control, safe and reliable.
  6. Effective in preventing cross-infection: 1) Stimulating electrode and the vacuum tube are disposable. 2) Unidirectional water emission

Therapeutic Functions:

Sexual psychological analysis diagnostic

Low-frequency electronic pulse stimulation

Vacuum negative pressure suction

Pneumatic massage

Water massage

Strong current stimulation


Technical Parameters:

Model of low-frequency electric pulse stimulation:7 Kinds

Time control:0--99 minutes continuously adjustable, one minute of one step

Output pressure:0-0.4mpa continuously adjustable

Massage frequency:0.6-1.5Hz