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Thiết bị,nội soi,tai mũi họng,NET-260B,Mega,Korea

Thiết bị,nội soi,tai mũi họng,NET-260B,Mega,Korea



Auto White Balance for perfect diagnosis with excellent resolution.

Auto Color Presets following Ear, Nose and Throat.

Freezing system with automatic save function into computer or USB memory! 

USB Interface to computer, USB memory, and you can save the image and print out through direct connection to photo printer without PC hook-up!

Good resolution for 1/3”CCD camera with durable flexible light guide.

could hook up Waterproofed Wireless Handgun.
Camera Specifications
Sensitivity - 2250mV
ADC/DAC - 10 bit (1024 step)
Resolution - 520TV
AGC MAX - 34dB
Electricity Consumption (DC+5V) - 110mA
Operating Voltage - +5V ~ +9V, +9 ~ +14V
Size (mm) - 30(H) × 30(V) × 24.1(D)
PCB component - CCD, Main & Power (3 boards)
Function (Option) - MCU. OSD
Frame Capture - 1, 2, 4 Frames
Auto White Balance [AWB] - Red ↔ Blue Manual
White Balance [MWB] - 10 steps
Auto Gain Control [AGC] - 3 steps

Lightsouce Specifications
CCD TYPE - 1/3" CCD Super HAD
Sensitivity - 2250mV
ADC/DAC - 10 Bit
Resolution - 520TV Line
PIXEL - 410000 pixels
Frame Capture - 1,2,4 Frame
Auto White Balance [AWB] - White Balance Adjusting as Automatically
White Balance [MWB] - Red <-> Blue Manual
Brightness - 10 Step
Auto Gain Control [AGC] - 3 Step
E. N. T Color Select - Automatic color function following Ear, Nose and Throat
System Boot Time - Below 10 sec 
Video Output - VBS Composite [NTSC / PAL]
Image save function - USB Memory Stick (JPEG, AVI)
Mass Storage (64GB)
PC Connection - Ethernet [10/100Mbps] (JPEG, AVI)
Windows Image Viewer Software
Recommended PC Specification - Pentium 4