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Số lượt truy cập 1600702   lần

281   khách hàng đang online

Máy đốt cổ tử cung

Máy đốt cổ tử cung, bằng tia hồng ngoại,XK41521A,Xukang,TQ

Máy đốt cổ tử cung, bằng tia hồng ngoại,XK41521A,Xukang,TQ


 Main Technical Specification:                                                                                      

Infrared Ray

1. The spectral range of the infrared ray is between 0.8um and 3.0um;

2. Maximum output of light power 20W±5W;

3. The infrared ray radiation duration can be set up automatically (Two modes);

4. Physical therapy mode: The time should be set up between 1min and 99min.


High-frequency Electric Scorching

1. Frequency: 0.2MHz-5MHz. One or more frequencies. Working frequency error: + -10%;

2. Output power<= 50W;

3. The pedal switch is dripping-proof. Starting power: 10-30N;

4. The electrode treatment tip consists of pointed type, knife type and round type.



1. Means of display: Digital tubes and light-emitting diodes ;

2. Digits of display and specification classification: 2 digits. (For power, circulation times, intervals

and operation duration) .