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Máy cất nước

Máy cất nước,GJZZ-1000,Guanyu,TQ

Máy cất nước,GJZZ-1000,Guanyu,TQ


Product Code:
Product Name:
GJZZ-1000 High-effect distilled water machine
Product Category:
Distillation equipment
Product Description:


Product  Brief  Introduction

    Energy efficient High-effect Auto descaling water distiller machine possess national patent high-effect energy efficient new generation high and new technology product, patent number is: 98250961.8. This equipment is listed as high-tech products in hebei province.

The equipment is GuanYu companies rely on their own comprehensive strength,solve the tower-type water distiller machine U-tube structure, cooling by water flow, structure fall behind,high energy consumption, water scale cleaning difficulties defect,development and production of high-tech energy-saving products.

    The product uses Metal expands with heat and contracts with cold and the Principles of steam, adopt the snail style spiral pipe evaporation,  pipe outside cooling, automatic descaling new technology, make the water scale up to about 1mm fall off automatically,do not form water scale, high evaporation efficiency non-polluting, energy-saving good, this product meets the standards of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia,  is the ideal replacement product of tower-type water distiller machine.

Product Features

1-Long life

Automatic descaling,extended service life, ensure the water quality and quantity

2-Saving Steam

Steam consumption 102% under air pressure in the 0.1-0.25Mpa, 18% lower than the Tower-type distilled water machine.

3-Saving Water

Good saving water performance, cooling water saving water 60% lower than tower-type water distiller machine.

4-Saving Equipment

1) The equipment could directly use the natural water or city water,do not need pure water or reverse osmosis water.

2) Compared with Multi-effect water distiller machine,this equipment could save the early reverse osmosis equipment (Electrodialysis), mixed bed, which saves investment costs.

5-PH value Adjustable

Using Temperature adjustment method to adjust the distilled water carbon dioxide and ammonia content, reach to adjust the PH of distilled water, adjusting value from 5-7 random adjustable.

6- Output water High quality

The produced water quality conductivity could meet GB <= 2us/cm.

Working Principle

1. Access to the boiler steam,steam pass through the vapor-liquid separator, the water and impurity was discharged from the sewage valve, the pure steam enter into the evaporating pipe, make inside the distiller once distilled water evaporated into steam,steam pass through the membrane filter into the spiral condenser and cooled into distilled water, then outflow from exit.

2.Steam in evaporation tube after release heat, self-liquefaction, pass the resistance steam valve went into the water bucket, the water will be injected into evaporation boiler as add water.



The equipment apply to large, medium and small pharmaceutical companies, such as oral liquid, eye drops water and so on, all levels of hospital preparation room, chemical research institutes.


Technical parameters


Parame    No.




GJZZ- 1000

Distilled water Yield (L/H)


Distilled water Temperature (°C)


Distilled water yield:Cooling water Consumption


Return water Temperature (°C)


Cooling water Pressure(Mpa)


Steam Pressure (Mpa)


Steam Consumption (Kg/H)


Steam admission pipe Diameter (mm)


Cooling water pipe Diameter (mm)


Weight (kg)


Shape Dimen-sion


dia. (mm)



dia. (mm)

