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Bộ dụng cụ,sinh thiết,bị cắt 2 bên,A2430-02,Elekta,Hà lan

Bộ dụng cụ,sinh thiết,bị cắt 2 bên,A2430-02,Elekta,Hà lan


Sedan Side-Cutting Biopsy Needle Kit II

Sedan Side-Cutting Biopsy Needle Kit II                     Enlarge image




The vacuum and side-cutting principle of Sedan has been adapted to Leksell Stereotactic System® in this biopsy needle with a 3 mm needle window. Stop and Guide with a diameter of 2.1 mm are included in the kit.
Sedan Biopsy Needle Kits I and II are designed for use with Leksell Stereotactic System®. They are used with Leksell® Coordinate Frame G and Leksell® Multi Purpose Stereotactic Arc. 

The Sedan Biopsy Needle Kits each comprise a set of neurosurgical instruments designed to allow multiple biopses from one or more targets in one trajectory. The sample is obtained by applying vacuum. 

If the volume to be examined is small, the 10 mm window in Kit I may be too long to permit a series of separated specimens to be obtained. The window in Kit II is only 3 mm in length, and so allows a smaller specimen to be obtained.

The kit also contains 5 O-Rings 3.1 x 1.6 mm Viton.


Article No: A2430-02

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