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Phụ kiện máy CT

Bộ kết nối,khi chụp CT,912965,Elekta,Hà Lan

Bộ kết nối,khi chụp CT,912965,Elekta,Hà Lan


CT-Table fixation for GE metalfree table

CT-Table fixation for GE metalfree tableEnlarge image




This CT table fixation is designed for GE scanners with metal-free cradle and plastic latch for headrest attachment, eg. Pro-Speed, SX, HiSpeed, LightSpeed and Lemage SX.
The CT table fixation is fitted to the scanner table, usually in place of the headrest. It is designed to hold the CT adapter, coordinate frame, CT indicator and the skull of the patient firmly in the correct position and orientation within the scanner. 

A range of CT table fixations to suit different designs of CT scanners is available from Elekta. This table fixation is designed for GE scanners with metal-free tables. 

For further details on which table fixation you require for your scanner, please contact Elekta.


Article No: 912965