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Máy gây mê,kèm thở,Anaeston 5000 ,Heal force,TQ

Máy gây mê,kèm thở,Anaeston 5000 ,Heal force,TQ

 Product Overview

Anaeston 5000 anesthesia machine has integrated all major ventilation modes such as assist, control and assist-control ventilation. It offers comprehensive monitoring and has a clear display interface, to help perform high quality anesthesia delivery and management.

The anesthesia machine is suitable for inhalational anesthesia delivery for adult, pediatric and neonatal patients.

1. Anaeston 5000 anesthesia machine offers a high-precision output as low as 20ml. 
2. It has automatic tidal volume and compliance compensation. 
3. The anesthesia machine offers spontaneous and manual respiratory MV monitoring function. 
4. It has electronic PEEP function.
5. The anesthesia delivery workstation uses autoclavable and latex free components. 
6. Users can benefit from the tool-free maintenance and cleaning of this equipment. 
7. The anesthesia machine is CE compliant, so clients can feel secure in purchasing it.

Specifications of Anaeston 5000 Anesthetic Machine 
ModelAnaeston 5000L
Dimension810x860x1360 mm (WxDxH )
Weight110 kg
Anesthetic typeHalothane, Enflurane , Isoflurane , Sevoflurane , Desflurane
Gas supplyO2+N2O, or O2+N2O+Air
Input pressure280~650 kpa (350~400kpa is recommended)
Standard vent. modeVCV, PCV, PLV, PSV, SIMV+VCV+PS, SIMV+PCV+PS
Display screen12.1" color
Value display (Set and measured)Tidal volume, minute volume, respiratory rate, I:E ratio, pressure limit
Airway pressure (Ppeak , Pmean , Pmax , Pplateau , PEEP) 
FiO2%, Compliance (ml/cmH2O)
Pressure support level, Inspiratory Window, P-trigger, Inspiratory End 
EtCO2 and InCO2 (optional)
CSI, BS%, SQI%, EMG% (Optional)
Graphic displayP-T, F-T, V-T waveforms
P-V, P-F, F-V loops (for compliance, resistance , leakage analysis) 
EtCO2 waveforms (when optional EtCO2 module is present) 
CSI, BS%, SQI, EMG waveforms (when optional CSM is present)
Optional expansionAnesthetic gas scavenging system (AGSS)
EtCO2 (mainstream/sidestream ) module
CSM module (anesthetic depth and trend)
Anesthetic information management system
External patient monitor 
Other equipment
Anaeston 5000 Anesthetic Machine