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Trụ khí treo trần phòng mổ

Trụ khí treo trần,phòng mổ,AG-20V-2,Aegean,TQ

Trụ khí treo trần,phòng mổ,AG-20V-2,Aegean,TQ

 Multi-Function Medical Column






ICU medical column for the provision of intensive care unit of a new medical rescue practical nursing auxiliary equipment, which is characterized by: the structure of access together, occupying the middle less.

In accordacne with the requirements of a one column and a column for you to choose two, new aesthetic medical column can rotate 340 degrees and full-equipped with oxygen, air, attracted by the strength of electrictiy, network, communications input terminals, multi-platform medical equipment, infusion frame, frame pump, lights and at the same time. It can choose with video telephony, as well as a small hospital ward area restrictions ideal intensive care unit nursing station.